CC-BY-NC-NDNikolić, IvicaMilošević, IsidoraStojanović, Anđelka2024-01-122024-01-122023978-86-6305-140-9 study examines whether the turnover of land near the mine or land used for the purposes of the mine is increased compared to land outside the mining area. In addition, this paper presents the land turnover after the privatization of RTB Bor by the Chinese company ZiJin Mining Grupe in 2018. For this research, public data from the website of the Geodetic Authority of the Republic of Serbia was used. The study showed that the turnover of land near the mine and for the needs of the mine is several times higher than the turnover obtained outside these areas, except in the area of Lake Bor. In addition, the impact of the increase in traffic and other real estate, especially residential, was observed following the increase in mining activity. This analysis shows the positive impact of mining on land turnover in the city of Bor.enland turnoverminingempirical analysisLand turnover increases due to mining: An empirical analysis of Bor, Serbia, 2013-2022.conferenceObject