CC-BY-NC-NDPešovski, BrankaRadovanović, MilanKrstić, VesnaSimonović, DanijelaDimitrijević, Silvana2023-12-252023-12-252023978-86-6305-140-9 presented some research into titanium electrode anodizing in H2SO4 solutions in the potential range –1 to 5 V at different scan rates (10, 50, 100 mV s–1) by cyclic voltammetry measurements. Linear potentiodynamic measurements had used before and after the oxide layer formed on the Ti- surface. Three characteristic oxide peaks appeared at 0.2 V, 2.3 V, and 3.5 V on CV curves at all scan rates for all H2SO4 concentrations. Voltammetric tests showed the passivation of the Ti surface in all cases. XRD and SEMEDS measurements confirmed the existence of TiO2 species in a crystalline form on the Ti surface after anodizing in 3M H2SO4 and annealing the anodized Ti electrode at 400 oC in the airflow.titanium oxidescyclic voltammetryXRDlinear voltammetrypolarizationElectrochemical characteristics of the anodized titanium oxide films in sulfuric acidconferenceObject