CC-BY-NC-NDRiznić, DejanFedajev, AleksandraJevtić, Adrijana2024-02-052024-02-052022978-86-6305-123-2 technological development has led to significant changes in the structure of tourist supply and demand. So today the concept of sustainable tourism development dominates, which means the development of tourism that meets the needs of current tourists, tourist destinations and all participants in tourism, while preserving and increasing the potential for future tourism resources, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The critical question of sustainable tourism is how to turn sustainable development into practice in all tourism activities - from mass to nature tourism and special forms of tourism. We identify ecotourism as a chance to improve tourism in many destinations. Ecotourism is one component of sustainable tourism that can play a significant role in preserving a particular destination’s natural and anthropogenic values. As a new form of touristic offer, ecotourism is an environmentally responsible tourist trip that shows specific areas to stay and enjoy nature. Today, in the world of eco-tourism, it is increasingly becoming a global phenomenon that includes not only movements related to staying in certain tourist facilities but also various adventure trips.ensustainable developmentecotourismgreen economyecologyecological economyEcoturism as a form of green economyconferenceObject