ARRMilosavljević, JelenaŠerbula, SnežanaKalinović, TanjaKalinović, JelenaRadojević, Ana2023-12-262023-12-262023978-86-7498-110-8 annual levels of SO2, PM10, as well as As, Pb, Cd and Ni in PM10 were assessed in the City of Bor, as an environmental hotspot, from 2020 to 2022. The given period included the data when copper smelting activities were not performed due to the enlargement of the production capacities. The data were compared to the air quality in the study area before 2020 and to the current air quality status in the Republic of Serbia and Europe. The defined annual limit values were exceeded for SO2, PM10, and Pb concentrations in PM10, while the annual target values were exceeded for As and Cd content in PM10. Among the measuring sites, the poorest air quality was observed at the site Jugopetrol, located in the prevailing NW wind direction. The standstill in the copper smelting activities was perceived in the reduction of the annual levels of SO2, As, Pb, Cd and Ni in PM10. Compared to the current data for the Republic of Serbia and Europe, the air quality in the City of Bor was poor.enair pollutionSO2PM10toxic elementscopper smelterOverview of air pollution in the city of Bor during the period of 2020–2022conferenceObject