CC-BY-NC-NDTrumić, MilanNikolić, VladimirMarić, MirjanaJanković, Jelena2024-03-052024-03-052023978-86-7498-110-8 exploitation and processing of copper ore in the area of Bor District has led to the degradation of large areas of land and the deposition of large amounts of solid waste (mining overburden and waste dumps, flotation tailings, smelter slag). The characteristic of these wastes is that they contain significant amounts of copper and other elements, but also permanently lead to soil, water and air pollution. The paper shows photos of the evolution of the appearance of mine solid waste landfills and provides data on sanation and recultivation and a plan for further activities. Conceptual solutions for sanation degraded areas created by hundred years of mining in Bor were also given.enOverburdenFlotation TailingsEnvironmentMining solid waste around Bor, yesterday, today, tomorrowconferenceObject