CC-BY-NC-NDŠtirbanović, ZoranVojinović, VesnaSokolović, JovicaTrumić, Maja2024-01-122024-01-122023978-86-6305-140-9 this paper are presented the results of analysis of effectiveness of four different sample cutting methods: quartering, "chessboard" method, Jones riffle splitter and automatic sampler “Vezin”. For the analysis of their performance four copper ore samples with different grain size were used. Grain size composition of samples before and after cutting was determined and used for calculating absolute average deviation and real average deviation which were used for determining effectiveness of used methods. According to the obtained results "chessboard" method was the most efficient for cutting all investigated samples, i.e. it provided the samples with highest representativeness.ensamplingsample cutting methodsabsolute average deviationreal average deviationAnalysis of the effectiveness of different methods for cutting samplesconferenceObject