Technical Faculty in Bor

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Ethical issues in public relations practice
(University of Belgrade, Technical faculty in Bor, 2024) Vuković, Milovan; Voza, Danijela; Aleksandra Vuković
Odnosi s javnošću (OSJ), značajan deo medijske industrije, predstavljaju funkciju menadžmenta koja pomaže u uspostavljanju i odražvanju korisnih veza između organizacije i deoničara. Razvoj odnosa s javnošću kao profesije obično se sagledava kao otklon od neetičke prakse, koja je dominirala decenijama u periodu posle 1920-ih godina, prema strateški i etički vođenim kampanjama u savremenom poslovanju. Ipak, kada se sagledava praksa OSJ u prvim decenijama XXI veka, javljaju se u brojne nedoumice u vezi sa etičkim dilemama, problemima, i, sledstveno tome, procesom donošenja etički zasnovanih odluka. Glavni cilj ovog rada je da razmotri ulogu etike u razvoju OSJ. U radu se u tom smislu diskutuju osnovni etički principi koji počivaju na utilitarizmu, deontologiji, sutuacionoj etici i etici vrline. U radu se takođe analiziraju etički problemi koji se najčešće javljaju u savremenoj praksi OSJ.
Possibility of zinc and cadmium recovery from hazardous industrial waste – EAF dust
(University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, 2024) Trifunović, Vanja; Milić, Snežana; Avramović, Ljiljana
Electric arc furnace dust (EAF dust) is a hazardous solid industrial waste that needs to be disposed of in an adequate manner primarily for environmental protection. However, due to the high content of zinc and other useful components found in it, EAF dust can also be considered as a secondary raw material for their recovery. In this paper, experimental investigations of the application of hydrometallurgical treatment of the EAF dust to zinc and cadmium recovery were carried out. The treatment was carried out in two phases: 1st phase - pretreatment, 2nd phase - leaching with sulfuric acid. The leaching rate of monitored elements in the second stage of treatment was examined depending on the concentration of H2SO4 and the duration of the process. The highest Zn leaching rate of 65% and Cd of 80% were achieved at a concentration of H2SO4 of 1.50 M in a time of 20 min, at ambient temperature, and a S:L ratio=1:4.
Photocatalytic properties of C-ZnO nanoparticles synthesized via mechanochemical method
(University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, 2024) Nedelkovski, Vladan; Stanković, Sonja; Medić, Dragana; Buzdugan, Dragoş; Hulka, Iosif; Milić, Snežana; Radovanović, Milan
Escalating water pollution necessitates the development of efficient and sustainable photocatalytic materials for the degradation of organic pollutants. In this work, the photocatalytic properties of carbon-doped zinc oxide (C-ZnO) nanoparticles synthesized by a novel mechanochemical method are investigated. The unique approach of doping ZnO nanoparticles with carbon not only increases the absorption of visible light but also improves the efficiency of charge separation, leading to a significant increase in photocatalytic activity. Experimental analytical methods such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and UV-Vis spectroscopy are used to elucidate the structural, morphological, and photocatalytic properties of the synthesized C-ZnO nanoparticles. The photocatalytic performance of C-ZnO nanoparticles is evaluated by their ability to degrade methyl orange at a concentration of 5 ppm under UV light irradiation with and without mixing the solution for 60 minutes in the dark before exposure to UV light. The influence of the photocatalysis time on the degradation efficiency was investigated. The results show that the photocatalysis time has a strong influence on the degradation efficiency.
Cobalt recovery from spent lithium-ion batteries by leaching in H2SO4-N2 and H2SO4-O2 systems followed by electrochemical deposition
(Association of Chemical Engineers of Serbia, 2024) Medić, Dragana; Tasić, Žaklina; Nujkić, Maja; Dimitrijević, Silvana; Đorđievski, Stefan; Alagić, Slađana; Milić, Snežana
This paper is focused on cobalt valorization from the cathode material of spent lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) by using leaching and electrochemical deposition methods. During the leaching experiments, the degrees of cathode material dissolution in H2SO4-N2and H2SO4-O2 systems were compared. Maximal degrees of cobalt extraction were 40 % in the former and 47 % in the latter system under following experimental conditions: H2SO4 concentration of 2mol dm-3, nitrogen/oxygen volumetric flow of 2 L min-1, solid phase concentration of 33gL-1, and temperature of 85 °C. The rate of cobalt extraction from the cathode material in both investigated systems was the most favorable in the first 15 min, after which there was a sudden decrease in the reaction rate. Cobalt from the leaching solution was deposited on a copper substrate by galvanostatic electrochemical deposition with a current efficiency of 84%. The energy consumption was 5.8 kWh kg-1of deposited Co. The cyclic voltammetry (CV) method was used to determine the potential of cobalt deposition, as well as side reactions taking place in the system. Scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectrometry has shown that during the process of electrochemical deposition agglomeration of cobalt particles occurred (in the shape of cauliflower), while the metal was deposited in its elemental state, which was also confirmed by the results of X-ray diffraction analysis.
Causes and possible consequences of thermal runaway in lithium-ion batteries
(University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, 2024) Medić, Dragana; Milić, Snežana; Milošević, Nemanja; Nujkić, Maja; Alagić, Slađana; Cvetković, Aleksandar; Papludis, Aleksandra
Advances in lithium-ion battery (LIB) technology have facilitated its widespread use, including in electric vehicles and electronic devices. However, with the increasing use of LIBs, the risk of thermal runaway is also increasing. This article explains the causes and mechanisms of thermal runaway in LIBs and the possible consequences of this process. One way to mitigate the risk of thermal runaway is to improve battery design to minimise internal defects and increase thermal stability. In addition, the development of advanced thermal management systems capable of detecting and controlling thermal anomalies can be crucial. Understanding the causes and consequences of thermal runaway in LIBs is essential for their further development and safe application in various fields.