Technical Faculty in Bor

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Electrochemical sensors for determination of antibiotics
(University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, 2024) Simonović Ana; Petrović Mihajlović, Marija; Radovanović, Milan; Tasić, Žaklina; Antonijević, Milan
In today's pharmaceutical practise, antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections because they are easy to use, inexpensive and effective. For this reason, they are very often prescribed for the treatment of humans and animals. However, the continuous and long-term use of antibiotics has led to the need to detect and determine their presence in a large number of different samples using appropriate sensors. However, electrodes used for electrochemical analysis can perform poorly as their surface can be easily contaminated by analytes or intermediates of electrochemical reactions. To solve these problems, many researchers have focused on modifying the relevant electrodes to achieve better performance.
Tectonic evolution of the Circum-Moesian orocline of the Carpatho-Balkanides: Paleomagnetic constraints
(Elsevier Ltd, 2024) Marton, Emo; Cvetkov, Vesna; Banjesević, Miodrag; Imre, Gabor; Pačevski, Aleksandar
The areas of the present study in eastern Serbia, the Danubicum and the Timok Magmatic Complex (TMC, part of the Geticum) are situated between the Vardar Zone and Moesia. The first is Moesia derived and thrust over the Geticum during the latest Cretaceous, the second represents the central segment of the subduction related Apuseni-Banat-Timok-Srednogorie (ABTS) metallogenic belt. The new results, based on 18 geographically distributed sampling points (228 field oriented drill cores) imply large CW vertical axis rotations for the Upper Jurassic (Lower Cretaceous) carbonates of the Danubicum and a moderate one for the Upper Cretaceous igneous and sedimentary rocks from the TMC. These, together with earlier published paleomagnetic data provide kinematic constraints to test the circum-Moesian backarc-convex orocline model. The strike test plot clearly documents that it is a progressive arc. The starting situation at the time of the volcanic activity in the metallic belt (90–70 Ma) must have been a generally E-W oriented S segment, continuing in NNW-SSE oriented ABT segments. The present geometry of the circum-Moesian belt, in the context of Miocene paleomagnetic results from the Vardar Zone and the Apuseni Mts, is interpreted as the result of two main tectonic processes. The first is an about 30◦ vertical axis CW rotation which took place in coordination with the Vardar Zone (20–17 Ma). The second is an additional 40–65◦ CW rotation (17–15 Ma) involving also the Danubicum, due to the subduction pull of the E Carpathians in combination with the corner effect of Moesia.
The relationship between PM10 and meteorological parameters close to the mining area
(University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, 2024) Veličković, Milica; Voza, Danijela
PM10 is one of the most dangerous air pollutants and represents a serious environmental and health problem. Its concentration is influenced by many factors, among which meteorological parameters stand out as the most important. In this sense, this study aimed at exploring the relationship between PM10 and meteorological variables (atmospheric temperature (AT), barometric pressure (BPR) and relative humidity (RH)) in rural area near copper mine. The data about meteorological parameters and PM10 concentrations were collected for 2019–2022. The dataset was divided into two periods (cold and warm) to analyze potential seasonal variations. The correlation analysis was employed in order to investigate the relationship between the observed variables. The results have shown that coefficient of correlation is positive and statistically significant, but very low between PM10 and AT and BPR, and negative between PM10 and RH, for both periods.
Etička pitanja u praksi odnosa s javnošću
(University of Belgrade, Technical faculty in Bor, 2024) Vuković, Milovan; Voza, Danijela; Vuković, Aleksandra
Odnosi s javnošću (OSJ), značajan deo medijske industrije, predstavljaju funkciju menadžmenta koja pomaže u uspostavljanju i odražvanju korisnih veza između organizacije i deoničara. Razvoj odnosa s javnošću kao profesije obično se sagledava kao otklon od neetičke prakse, koja je dominirala decenijama u periodu posle 1920-ih godina, prema strateški i etički vođenim kampanjama u savremenom poslovanju. Ipak, kada se sagledava praksa OSJ u prvim decenijama XXI veka, javljaju se u brojne nedoumice u vezi sa etičkim dilemama, problemima, i, sledstveno tome, procesom donošenja etički zasnovanih odluka. Glavni cilj ovog rada je da razmotri ulogu etike u razvoju OSJ. U radu se u tom smislu diskutuju osnovni etički principi koji počivaju na utilitarizmu, deontologiji, sutuacionoj etici i etici vrline. U radu se takođe analiziraju etički problemi koji se najčešće javljaju u savremenoj praksi OSJ.
Possibility of zinc and cadmium recovery from hazardous industrial waste – EAF dust
(University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, 2024) Trifunović, Vanja; Milić, Snežana; Avramović, Ljiljana
Electric arc furnace dust (EAF dust) is a hazardous solid industrial waste that needs to be disposed of in an adequate manner primarily for environmental protection. However, due to the high content of zinc and other useful components found in it, EAF dust can also be considered as a secondary raw material for their recovery. In this paper, experimental investigations of the application of hydrometallurgical treatment of the EAF dust to zinc and cadmium recovery were carried out. The treatment was carried out in two phases: 1st phase - pretreatment, 2nd phase - leaching with sulfuric acid. The leaching rate of monitored elements in the second stage of treatment was examined depending on the concentration of H2SO4 and the duration of the process. The highest Zn leaching rate of 65% and Cd of 80% were achieved at a concentration of H2SO4 of 1.50 M in a time of 20 min, at ambient temperature, and a S:L ratio=1:4.