Technical Faculty in Bor

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Dualphased fourway intersection regulated by traffic lights with fixed and adaptive mod of operation
(University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, 2021) Radivojević, Milan; Stević, Zoran; Tanasković, Marko
Road traffic in many populated areas is mainly regulated using a traffic light, which in many cases is not sufficiently effectively configured. This can lead to unnecessary long waiting times and increase total time losses when passing through the intersection. This paper presents the results of the application program of the adaptive semaphore system of the four-way two phase intersection, made using the LabVIEW software package, as well as the data and results of the analysis of the functioning of the intersection with adaptive and fixed traffic mode.
Place of biocultural heritage in post covid-19 tourism destination choice
(Naučno-stručno Društvo za zaštitu životne sredine Srbije ECOLOGICA, 2023) Luković, Milica; Pantović, Danijela; Riznić, Dejan; Lakićević, Marija; Milutinović, Sonja; Jovanović, Larisa; Ermakov, Vadim; Balaban, Suzana
Rural space, protected areas, and nature in general become so-called “hot spots” in the tourist perspective in the last two years. The covid-19 outbreak caused growing commercial tourism to have a tendency to transform and go a step far from sustainability to regenerative directions. These changes consider “to rebuild”, “renew”, and “getting back to tradition and roots” where ecosystem services and wild plants in focused. In recent times, several studies of tourists’ behaviors and attitudes towards utilization and interest in wild edible plants have been conducted. This study represents the results of research conducted on 53 tourists and 20 local touristic households in the Biosphere “Golija-Studenica” to explore relationships between wild edible plants utilization/collection and the tourism experience. According to the results, there is an increased interest or demand for wild edible plants by tourists and local people. On the one hand, these demands are the result of long traditions and on the other hand the increased desire for healthy food. Different socio-demographic backgrounds of tourists impact their environmental awareness, knowledge and education on goods and services from nature. This study highlights the need to fulfil ecological responsibility when tourism occurs in ecologically worth areas to achieve bicultural conservation and regenerative approach.
Regional printed media as an actor of sustainable development of rural areas
(Naučno-stručno Društvo za zaštitu životne sredine Srbije ECOLOGICA, 2023) Vuković, Milovan; Vuković, Aleksandra; Štrbac, Nada; Urošević, Snežana; Jovanović, Larisa; Ermakov, Vadim; Balaban, Suzana
The presence of issues of sustainable rural development in media has multiple effects on overall development od rural population: socio-cultural, economic, political and environmental. Socio-economic development of rural regions is based not only on improvement of agriculture bat also on creating conditions which would allow the incomes of rural households in the other economic activities. Media by dissemination of useful messages media may contribute to the awareness and education of rural inhabitants and, therefore, directly influence the development of rural communities and regions. It has been known, for a long time, that media are a significant actor in the he process of social changes. The printed media, especially daily newspapers, have a desisive role in this process due to their larger number of published analitycal texts. The objective of this research is to find out the number of articles dealing with sustainable rural development, their frequency of appearance, and the journalist form used on the example of daily Serbian regional newspaper. The research has been conducted, using the regional newspaper Narodne novine, in 2022 year (last three months). The method of content analyis, of quantiative-qualitative type, was used and the unit of analysis was each text dealing with rural development. It was identified 179 such newspaper textual unites. It was noticed that the Narodne novine covers various topics connected with daily life on contryside, agriculture, diversification of rural economy and environmental protection.
Ispitivanje separabilnosti ugljeva primenom koeficijenta separabilnosti, IW I NGMI indeksa
(Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 2023) Sokolović, Jovica; Ilić, Ivana; Trumić, Milan; Bogdanović, Grozdanka; Kostović, Milena
U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja i ocene separabilnosti različitih vrsta ugljeva primenom koeficijenta separabilnosti, indeksa mogućnosti čišćenja (IW) i indeksa materijala u zoni ± 100 kg/m3 (NGMI). Ispitivanja su vršena primenom pliva-tone analize na uzorcima ravnog uglja iz rudnika antracita "Vrška Cuka", rudnika lignita "Lubnica" i rudnika mrkog uglja "Bogovina". Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata pliva-tone analize za sva tri uzorka ravnog uglja izračunate su vrednosti koeficijenta separabilnosti, indeks mogućnosti čišćenja i NGMI indeks. Dobijene vrednosti koeficijenta separabilnosti (K) na gustinama od 1350 kg/m3 do 1650 kg/m3 ukazuju da je sirovina separabilna u datom opsegu gustina, kao i da ugljevi imaju bolju separabilnost na gustini 1350 kg /m3. Međutim, uzimajući u obzir i vrednosti indeksa NGMI, zaključuje se da čišćenje (separaciju) uglja treba vršiti na većim gustinama razdvajanja, jer izračunate vrednosti NGMI indeksa na većim gustinama ukazuju na lakše čišćenje uglja.
Mining solid waste around Bor, yesterday, today, tomorrow
(The Academy of Applied Technical Studies Belgrade, 2023) Trumić, Milan; Nikolić, Vladimir; Marić, Mirjana; Janković, Jelena
Intensive exploitation and processing of copper ore in the area of Bor District has led to the degradation of large areas of land and the deposition of large amounts of solid waste (mining overburden and waste dumps, flotation tailings, smelter slag). The characteristic of these wastes is that they contain significant amounts of copper and other elements, but also permanently lead to soil, water and air pollution. The paper shows photos of the evolution of the appearance of mine solid waste landfills and provides data on sanation and recultivation and a plan for further activities. Conceptual solutions for sanation degraded areas created by hundred years of mining in Bor were also given.