
Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 20 of 311
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    Tekstilna industrija
    (Savez inženjera i tehničara tekstilaca Srbije, 2024) Urošević, Snežana; Urošević, Snežana
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    Effect of Chemical Composition on the Corrosion Resistance, Microstructure, Hardness and Electrical Conductivity of the Ge–In–Sn Alloys
    (Springer, 2023) Zečević, Milena; Tosković, Nemanja; Đorđević, Aleksandar; Minić, Duško; Tošković, Dragan; Kolarević, Milan; Ristić, Vladica; Tasić, Žaklina
    This paper presents the results of experimental and analytical testing of the ternary Ge–In–Sn system. Experimental part includes results of the corrosion resistance, microstructure, hardness and electrical properties of the selected ternary Ge–In–Sn alloys. The prepared alloys were tested using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) method, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectrometry (SEMEDS), hardness and electrical conductivity tests. For the obtained values of hardness and electrical conductivity, a mathematical model was used in order to determine the properties of the alloy in the entire range of the composition. The results of the Brinell hardness test show that the Ge80In10Sn10 ternary alloy has the highest hardness of all tested ternary alloys, 254.2 MN/m2 . While, results of the electrical conductivity test show that the Ge10In10Sn80 ternary alloy has the highest conductivity of all tested ternary alloys and the highest corrosion resistance. Calculated isothermal section at 25 C, were confirmed with XRD and EDS results.
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    The Granger causality of digital connectivity and trade globalization in the health crisis
    (University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, 2024) Petkovski, Ivana; Fedajev, Aleksandra; Milošević, Isidora
    The widespread adoption of digital technology in the last decade has caused global changes, leading to the belief that technology is altering the global connectivity of economies. This is especially emphasized in light of the global health crisis in 2020. To efficiently monitor this process, it is vital to assess the anticipatory potential of this type of digital connectivity and the growth of globalization in trade. An effective analysis of this issue necessitates looking into the causative relationship between digital technology connections and trade globalization. This is performed by applying the statistical approach of Granger causality to a data set consisting of 35 European countries from 2010 to 2022. A Granger causality study was performed using the lag value estimated based on the Akaike information criterion, which equals 2. The findings suggested that there is a unidirectional causal relationship between active mobile-broadband subscriptions and imports, with the former influencing the latter. However, this causal relationship fails to be valid in the opposite direction. The examination revealed a reciprocal relationship between fixed-telephone subscriptions and exports, as well as a reciprocal relationship between fixed-telephone subscriptions and imports. The results reveal the bidirectional value of the number of fixed telephone subscriptions as a measure of digital connectivity.
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    Fostering Green Transition in Central and Eastern Europe: Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Industrialization, Financial Development, and Electricity Nexus
    (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania, 2024) Mitić, Petar; Fedajev, Aleksandra; Radulescu, Magdalena; Hudea, Oana Simona; Streimikiene, Dalia
    Climate change presents a substantial impediment for the global community and prompts policymakers worldwide to prioritize environmental goals when defining national development strategies. Prioritizing these goals is particularly challenging for governments of developing economies still relying on fossil fuels, foreign capital, and industry contribution to GDP. This study examines the relationships between carbon dioxide emissions, industry value added, financial development, and electricity generation in 15 Central and Eastern European countries from 1995 to 2021. To achieve this objective, we examined stationarity and cointegration and employed a vector error correction model to investigate causalities between the variables, along with a variance decomposition analysis. Our findings suggest that the short-run unidirectional causalities exist from industry value-added to carbon dioxide emissions and from carbon dioxide emissions to financial development and electricity generation. Long-term causality exists between carbon dioxide emissions and industry value added. The findings shed light on the challenges and opportunities these countries face in transitioning to climate neutrality and meeting the decarbonization targets. Within this context, the findings underscore the significance of crafting customized strategies for these economies to navigate the complex landscape of climate change while promoting sustainable industrial, electricity and financial sector development.
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    Technology-based factors of globalization in market and transition economies. Is there a difference?
    (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania, 2024) Petkovski, Ivana; Fedajev, Aleksandra; Mihajlovic, Ivan
    Purpose – The global crises that emerged during the last two decades proved that economies that focus their development on demand are the most vulnerable during crises. However, development strategies depend on specific internal and external circumstances impacting development of particular country. In that sense, this research aims to identify how digitalization, science and technology, and ICT trade impact globalization in market and transition economies. Research methodology – Authors employed the PLS-SEM methodology on available dataset for 32 European economies. Findings – According to the findings, digitalization is the factor that has the highest positive impact on globalization in market economies, while ICT trade has the greatest positive impact on globalization in transition economies. Science and technological advancements have a diverse impact. The MGA results stressed out the difference between these groups even more clear. Research limitations – The presented model does not consider country-level analysis of globalization. Practical implications – The study is providing theoretical and empirical base for strategy and policy development in the globalization domain in line with economy character. Originality – The value of the research is found in contributing to the globalization topic in market, and particularly in transition economie that lack empirical research in this field.
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    The MCDM-based Assessment of Solutions for Transition to Sustainable Industry 4.0: The Case of Serbia
    (Institut ekonomskih nauka, Beograd, 2024) Popović, Gabrijela; Fedajev, Aleksandra; Stanujkić, Dragiša
    Industry 4.0 implies the transformation of organizations into digital entities. It represents a new level of industrial development that has changed demands, competition, industry structure, and sustainability awareness. The primary objective of this paper is to use Multiple-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) to identify the principal obstacles and solutions for successfully adopting the technologies that will facilitate a transition of the Serbian industry to sustainable Industry 4.0. The barriers' significance was defined using the Preference Selection Index – PSI. The assessment of the solutions was performed by three decision-makers using the following MCDM methods: PSI, Compromise Ranking of Alternatives from Distance to Ideal Solution – CRADIS, and Integrated Simple Weighted Sum-Product Method—WISP. The results revealed that logistics, reverse logistics management, and technology integration are the most significant barriers. The significance of logistics and warehousing management lies in their role as crucial facilitators for the sustainable development of industries, ensuring efficient and responsible movement, storage, and distribution of goods. Also, the application and development of new technologies can improve efficiency and reduce the environmental impact of the Serbian industry. Based on the MCDM methods, the framework enabled the assessment of the barriers and solutions for technology adoption in light of the current business conditions in the Republic of Serbia. Managers and policymakers can easily perceive the main obstacles and optimal actions needed to fulfill the requirements of Industry 4.0 and promote sustainable operations.
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    A note on additive formulas for the Drazin inverse of matrices and block representations
    (University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, 2024) Ilić, Ivana; Stanišev, Ivana; Višnjić, Jelena
    In this paper, we investigate the additive properties of the Drazin inverse for complex matrices. We derive new additive formulas for the Drazin inverse, which generalize some previous results on the subject. Furthermore, we give a new representation for the Drazin inverse of a block matrix, which extends some known representations.
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    Razvoj proizvoda i postrojenјa za proizvodnјu filter-antracita u rudniku antracita Vrška Čuka
    (Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS), Društvo za procesnu tehniku, Beograd, 2024) Sokolović, Jovica; Đolović, Rade
    Rudnik antracita Vrška Čuka je jedini rudnik antracita u Srbiji. U potrazi za alternativnom upotrebom antracita, u proteklih nekoliko godina sproveden je niz aktivnosti, od ideje i razvoja proizvoda do projekta izgradnje pogona za proizvodnju filter-antracita. Filter-antracit kao novi proizvod je šansa za rudnik, sa kojom rudnik može da doživi lepšu budućnost. Projektovano postrojenje je u skladu sa aktuelnim ekološkim standardima. U radu je prikazan razvoj proizvoda i postrojenja za proizvodnju filter-antracita u rudniku antracita Vrška Čuka.
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    Upravlјanje rudarskim otpadom u rudniku bakra-zlata „Čukaru Peki”
    (Institut za tehnologiju nuklearnih i drugih mineralnih sirovina, Beograd, 2024) Sokolović, Jovica; Yuankun, Yang; Milovanović Brkić, Ana; Ilić, Ivana
    Borsko rudarsko područje je jedno od značajnih oblasti proizvodnje bakra u Srbiji. U rudnicima bakra nastaju ogromne količine rudarskog otpada. Rudnik bakra „Čukaru Peki”, kao deo Zijin Mining Group, nalazi se u istočnoj Srbiji, u blizini grada Bora. Tokom tehnološkog procesa eksploatacije rude i flotacijske koncentracije korisnih minerala u rudniku „Čukaru Peki“ nastaje više vrsta rudarskog otpada koji se razlikuju po fizičkim, hemijskim, mineraloškim i toksikološkim karakteristikama. U radu su prikazani rezultati karakterizacije, kategorizacije i upravlјanja rudarskim otpadom u ovom rudniku.
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    Mapping the second-level digital divide: A study of Internet skills and usage among older adults in European countries
    (National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania, 2024) Stojanović, Anđelka; Arsić, Sanela; Milošević, Isidora
    The adoption of information and communication technologies (ICT) is rapidly increasing, leading to a global narrowing in the digital access gap. However, digitalization changes everyday patterns, work processes, and necessary skills required to avoid social deprivation and exclusion. Some individuals have lower digital competencies and struggle to adapt to technological changes. Therefore, digital divides have become an important issue in the transformation of society. Although access to ICTs is the initial and most apparent factor used to examine digital inequalities, there is a growing gap related to users' motivation, capabilities, and skills to use ICT safely and confidently. The phenomenon is known as the second-level digital divide. Despite the advancements and efforts made by policymakers, a second-level digital divide still exists, whether referring to disparities between countries (the global digital divide) or within different groups in the population (the social and demographic digital divide). The vision for digital Europe is for residents to attain the necessary level of digital knowledge and competence to address the challenges brought by the digital transformation era. On the other hand, the population and the labor force are growing older, and the aim is to prolong the employment duration of elderly individuals, thus decreasing the financial burden of pensions and the ratio of old-age dependency. The workers aged 55-64 are particularly vulnerable due to the increasing digital transformations. Older employees face the challenge of mastering new skills and meeting specific qualifications, which can lead to potential job loss if they are unable to meet these requirements adequately. This study investigates how the digital skills of older adults (55-64 years) contribute to the digital divide among European countries. Data from the Eurostat database on the composite indicator, The Digital Skills Indicator 2.0 (DSI), was used to shed light on this question. Using the Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) method, Evaluation Based on Distance from Average Solution (EDAS), European countries were ranked based on the components of DSI for five specific digital skill areas. Since multidimensional scaling is used, the EDAS method has enabled the analysis of similarities and differences between European countries. The results highlighted a digital divide and indicated significant variation in digital skills among European countries' older population (55-64 years). Also, certain countries requiring specific attention and efforts to tackle digital challenges were singled out.
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    The effect of IT tools on knowledge management practices in Carnival Cruise Lines: Moderating role of job position
    (University Business Academy in Novi Sad, Faculty of Contemporary Arts, Belgrade, 2024) Golubovic Corcione, Sanela; Jovanović, Ivan
    Rapid development of technology, and dynamic surroundings created a need for a organizational strategy based on knowledge management and usage of IT tools, which can create organizational knowledge that will further positively impact organizational performances. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of examining the relationship between IT tools (basic and advanced) and knowledge management (KM) in Carnival Cruise Lines company. And analysing how job position as a moderator variabile, affects the relation between IT tools and KM. The primary data were collected through a questionnaire survey from 247 participants employed on board three Carnival Cruise Lines ships. The questionnaire was developed based on past research. The collected data was processed using the PLS-SEM software. The results showed that IT tools (basic and advanced) have a statistically significant and positive influence on KM. Futheremore, it was found that job position does not moderating the relationship between IT basic tools and KM. On the other side, results suggesting that the relationship between IT advanced tools and KM is moderated by the categorical variable job position. However, the research is limited to Carnival Cruise Lines in Miami, FL, USA, only. Future research may examine studied variables in another industry, context.
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    Influence of the extrusion process on the grain size of copper micro-alloyed with iron and phosphorus
    (Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, 2024) Mitrović, Milijana; Marjanović, Saša; Trumić, Biserka; Nedeljković, Milan; Petrović, Jasmina; Krstić, Vesna
    The aim of this work is to analyze the process of obtaining and thermal treatment on the grain size of copper microalloyed with iron and phosphorus (0,003 wt%Fe i 0,014 wt%P). Microalloyed copper was obtained in two ways: by melting cathode copper and prealloys CuFe0,1 and CuP6,42 in an induction furnace followed by the casting of the same raw materials and the up-casting process, followed by extrusion. The samples obtained in this way were subjected to thermomechanical treatment, which involved cold plastic deformation by rolling with 70% reduction, followed by annealing at 470°C for 80 minutes. Based on the microphotographs and the ImageJ software, the average grain size and grain size distribution were determined for each tested sample. The results showed that the average grain size of the extruded sample was smaller, and the microstructure was more uniform and had a higher degree of recrystallization, which can be attributed to severe plastic deformation (extrusion).
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    The impact of knowledge storage, sharing and application on organizational performances via moderating role of knowledge management tools in “Carnival cruise lines” company
    (Univerity of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, 2024) Golubovic Corcione, Sanela; Jovanović, Ivan
    Nowadays, knowledge management (KM) and IT tools been acknowledged as a valuable resource in addition to other resources for the survival and competitive advantage of organizations. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of examining the relationship between knowledge storage, sharing and application on organizational performances via moderating role of knowledge management tools in Carnival Cruise Lines company. This research employed quantitative research design and primary data were collected through a questionnaire survey from 310 employees on board three Carnival Cruise Lines ships. The questionnaire was developed based on past research. The collected data was processed using the PLS-SEM software. The results showed the positive impact of knowledge sharing and application on organizational performance. Furthermore, was found that knowledge management tools as moderating variable have an influence on the relationship between knowledge sharing and application towards organizational performances. On the other side, knowledge storage does not impact organizational performances and knowledge management tools does not moderate relationship between knowledge storage and organizational performances. However, the research is limited to Carnival Cruise Lines in Miami, FL, USA, only. Future research may examine studied variables in another industry, context.
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    The relationship between workplace digitalization and older worker’s productivity
    (Obuda University, Keleti Faculty of Business and Management, Budapest, Hungary, 2024) Veličković, Milica; Panić, Marija
    Many studies have confirmed the positive impact of workplace digitalization on productivity, especially in terms of efficiency, innovation and cost reduction. On the other side, some studies reported disconnections between these two variables. Therefore, this paper is trying to resolve the inconsistent findings regarding the impact of workplace digitalization on productivity in a transitional context. The sample size used for the analysis consists of 103 respondents. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique is adopted to explore complex relationships among variables. In addition, the mediation analysis was performed to investigate the mediating role of employee job satisfaction in the relationship between workplace digitalization and older employees’ productivity. The results suggest that the total effect of workplace digitalization on employee productivity is significant (β = 0.578, p = 0.000), indicating a positive relationship between these variables without considering the mediator. When mediator job satisfaction was included, the direct effect of workplace digitalization on employee productivity became very low and statistically insignificant (β = 0.003, p = 0.966), suggesting that the relationship between them is fully mediated by variable job satisfaction.
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    The SAP/ERP business solutions for industry 4.0
    (Contracting Chamber of Economy Pirot District, 2024) Arsić, Sanela; Radić, Aleksandra ; Jovanović, Ivan; Bogdanović, Dejan
    The Fourth Industrial Revolution is about the use of digital technologies to transform traditional industries. This wave of digitalization is characterized by the convergence of different technologies that blur the boundaries between the digital, biological and physical environments. The advent of Industry 4.0 has given rise to new technologies that enable companies to monitor, integrate and track their processes through integrated digital systems. To effectively overcome the hurdles and take advantage of the opportunities that the „digitized age“ brings, companies must have access to high-quality information systems. Therefore, this research aims to provide insights into user attitudes towards SAP/ERP enterprise software that meets the needs of organizations in the context of Industry 4.0. The work contributes to increasing knowledge about the practical aspects of implementing SAP/ERP business software in the specific context of Industry 4.0 in Serbia, with a focus on user attitudes. The results may have implications for companies, policy makers and researchers interested in the digital transformation of the industry.
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    Multi-criteria decision analysis approach for ranking different industries according to their attitude to use SAP ERP system
    (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, 2024) Radić, Aleksandra; Arsić, Sanela; Nikolić, Đorđe
    In the light of modern business, the application of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems is of great importance in different industries. In this paper, using Multicriteria Decision Making Analysis (MCDA), four different industries were analyzed concerning their attitude toward it's attitude to use of the SAP ERP system.
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    Analysis of safety climate factors in textile industry
    (Union of Engineers and Textile Technicians of Serbia, Belgrade, 2024) Milijić, Nenad; Stefanović, Violeta
    This paper presents the results of the analysis of the impact of the main safety climate elements on the overall occupational safety in textile companies in the Republic of Serbia. SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) methodology was applied to validate and test the proposed conceptual model of safety climate. A statistical analysis was performed using the software package SPSS 18.0 and Smart PLS 4. The previously developed model with seven hypotheses was tested on a sample of 267 respondents employed in 8 companies. The results of the empirical research confirm some of the hypotheses and point to the existence of a positive correlation between them. Within the conclusions of the research, special emphasis is placed on those safety climate factors where certain possibilities for improvement have been established and which represent the specificity of textile industry. Finally, the obtained results point to the significant fact that the formation of an adequate safety climate in textile companies can have a positive effect on the improvement of overall occupational safety in this sector.
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    Developing a novel quantitative approach to evaluate the organizational factors affecting occupational health and safety in the mining industry
    (University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, 2024) Stojanović, Anđelka; Milošević, Isidora; Nikolić, Đorđe
    The mining industry is among those sectors that urge close attention to occupational health and safety (OH&S). Occupational Health and Safety management promotes many organizational practices based on carefully managing risks and reducing negative occurrences in the production process. Implementing different OH&S practices can also foster significant improvements in working conditions. However, the success of OH&S management efforts depends on workers' attitudes towards OH&S practices and, consequently, their engagement. Although many studies have explored factors influencing occupational health and safety management, few have focused on the mining sector. The main goal of this study is to propose and test measurement instruments for Organizational factors affecting Occupational Health and Safety in the mining sector. The study provides two levels of empirical validation: Exploratory and Confirmatory factor analysis. Exploratory Factor Analysis was conducted using SPSS, while AMOS was employed for Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Exploratory Factor Analysis exposed five factors defined by 21 items. Confirmatory Factor Analysis demonstrated the reliability of the obtained factor structure. The proposed measurement scale resulted in good fit indexes as well as convergent and discriminant validity. The study can significantly contribute to further research in the field.
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    PhD studies in transition conditions – the basis for the educational system and economic development: a case study Serbia
    (University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, 2024) Živković, Živan; Panić, Marija
    The quality of PhD studies is a key factor in an educational system that depends on human resources development as the basis for society's development in the 21st century. This paper used the Multiple Criteria Decision Support (MCDS) and voting methods in the SWOT environment, along with the hybrid SWOT-AHP method, to assess the quality of PhD studies in Serbia. Through expert analysis within the SWOT-AHP hybrid model, the determinants of SWOT subfactors and possible strategic options were defined, and the prioritization of defined strategies was determined, with the application of which all the current weaknesses of PhD studies in Serbia can be eliminated, and the path to reaching the level of quality defined by EU standards can be defined. This study aims to direct the scientific public's attention to the declining trend in the quality of PhD studies in Serbia and its consequences.
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    Optimization of ventilation using IIoT methodology in Serbian coal mines
    (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, 2024) Ilić, Aleksandra; Petrović, Dejan
    The application of information technologies in the optimization of ventilation contributes significantly to the improvement of all aspects of mine operations. Coal mines face numerous challenges on a daily basis in terms of the organization, implementation and supervision of production activities. Some global mining companies have already implemented numerous technical solutions in the field of robotics, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT). This article describes the basic principles of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and the configuration of the automation system for ventilation. It also discusses the opportunities and challenges of technology implementation in the coal mine. The advantages of applying modern software tools for monitoring mine air parameters and monitoring the operating characteristics of the main ventilation systems in real time greatly facilitate the control of working conditions in the mine. On this basis, it is possible to create a package of preventive and active measures in the event of equipment faults, fires or sudden gas outbursts.